
Useful information provided by CHPIUG

Other National User Groups

CEPIUG, Confederacy of European Patent Information User Groups - www.cepiug.org
AGM, Germany - www.dgi-info.de
AIDB, Italy - www.aidb.it
BEPIUG, Belgium - www.bepiug.org
BPIP, Great Britain - www.bpipinfo.com
CFIB, France - http://lecfib.net
PATMG, Great Britain - www.cilip.org.uk
PIF, Denmark - http://piforum.mono.net
SIPIG, Sweden: Under construction
WON, The Netherlands and Dutch speaking part of Belgium - www.won-nl.org
PING Deutschsprachige Patentinformationsnutzergruppe - Link

QPIP Certification

Slides of the free public webinar held on the 13th of December 2018.
> Download the presentation

QPIP certification website: www.qpip.org