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Swiss Patent Information User Group

The CHPIUG is the Swiss (CH) Patent Information User Group.

Swiss patent information users from innovative companies and knowledge centers, in 2017, felt the need to launch a local community, the CHPIUG, to increase networking, sharing of information and experience, as well as having open discussions on their profession.


CHPIUG is a Swiss community created by patent information users for individuals involved in the search and use of patent information. CHPIUG provides a place for open discussion, unprejudiced and independent.

CHPIUG is driven by its members for its members and also strives to be the showcase of the profession towards the public.

Towards the public by the members

  1. To give market exposure to the profession of patent information experts
    • contact point (for new members,…)
    • showcase of the profession (job description,…)
  2. To provide a gateway to resources of PI expertise
    • general introductory courses (like WON/GO)
    • service providers

For the members by the members

  1. To share knowledge concerning the use of patent information
    • sharing experiences by the members for the members via different ways
    • developing best practices
  2. To organize training sessions for patent information experts with specific contents like
    • copy or repeat certain sessions that are of interest to the CHPIUG members
    • refer to courses with more extensive content
    • propose professionnal training sessions with commercial third party
  3. To interact with service providers active in the domain of patent information search engines, databases and related applications (statistical, business information, etc…)
  4. To interface with the national & international organizations on matters of patent information (WIPO, EPO, IPI, etc…)
  5. To follow up and be the point of contact with CEPIUG (among others) on the matter of examination & certification of PI specialists
  6. To share the calendar of events related to patent information
  7. To promote networking by sharing meta information (contact data of members, career opportunities,…) amongst their members.

Join us

Any individual with a professional interest in patent information and a main Intellectual Property activity in Switzerland can apply for being member of the CHPIUG, except for National offices employees or related.

Membership annual fees are:

  • CHF 150.- per year for professionals.
  • CHF 75.- per year for students and unemployed persons

    I am a professional (CHF 150.-/year)I am a student (CHF 75.-/year)I am unemployed (CHF 75.-/year)